WORLDS BULLIES : UN -(Rothchild Rockefeller League of Nations) UK Banksters, ISLAM, Carlisle Group, George Soros, & USA Inc corporation the largest arms dealer & exporter of weapons in the world. USA Inc also sells its Military services to tyrannical governments ! Make no mistake about it, the USA Inc is a for profit corporation ! The Worlds enemies & TYRANTS: UN UK USA INC, ISLAM, CHINA, RUSSIA, CIA CFR DARPA MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX SOROS VATICAN ISLAM ROTHCHILD ROCKEFELLER CLINTONS. If you can't fight them...join them. ? Billions of people will take the Mark of The Corporate NWO Beast. And lose their souls for eternity into hell. Christ has all ready WON. Saving ones life to lose ones soul...doesn't make much sense to me.. THE WILL TO SURVIVE- the Amish Community does well. God & Nation State Secession is crucial to humanities survival in America. Being the Govt of the people for the people once again lead by God Almighty. REME...