From this article; Federal Education guidelines allows sex education of and to minors from K- 12. Teaching sexual perversions as NORMAL sexual behaviour includes bondage anal homosexual sexuality. Teaching that sin is normal and acceptable human behaviour. If your a Christian you know bible history. That God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because the cities were rampant with wickedness in the hearts of society. God has all authority and is clearly justified in destroying the TRASH and SANITIZING the land that man and beast has perverted. In NOAHS time it took a year for Noah to complete the building of the Ark. He spoke clearly to the people of Gods intent. And they should repent. They did not listen. They were destroyed by the flood. Your kids and grandkids will suffer the same fate. If you love them get them off the coasts of the United States. Bring them home and develop a bible based home ministry. Pray for Gods mercy an...