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Showing posts from April 19, 2019

YouTube - Urgent Words from the Lord

See this summary compilation of the prophesied "Fiery Kick-Off Event" that is coming to the USA. See how the LORD will remove certain groups of believers during this time. Download Prophetic Word Compilation:

YouTube Fitton - President Trump is the victim of a crime

Its absolutely been a criminal event by the former President Obama,  former State Dept Head H R Clinton, DOJ Heads Lynch and FBI Coney and CIA Clapped and Brennan and subordinates and contractors. Understand all of these people are either evil wicked dimented ruthless calais witches, lesbians, pedophiles, homosexuals, drug addicts, rapists, murders, criminals, psychopaths, liars, theives, Luciferians, Muslims... Imagine working for Satan himself, collecting a fat paycheck? I couldn't do it. Sell your soul to the devil.   Ya think just maybe evil has taken over Washington DC ? 88 years of Trump will not clean out all the corruption sadly.  Check Care - Nano Coatings Preserve and Protect ! Blog Store - √Check - Hydrosilex Coatings ................................. Educating American s By Truth News ! Please Share with friends coworkers and family ! So many people are...

YouTube - Illuminati Survivor Cheryl Hersha Interview

From the article: WARNING - Extremely Graphic Discussion, Viewer Discretion advised. MKUltra/Monarch Program in 1965, as her paternal step-grandfather was OSS as it morphed into the CIA, was her father's "Handler", and had him sign the two girls up for the program. Details of some of their harrowing ordeals under MKUltra were documented in the book, Secret Weapons: Two Sisters' Terrifying True Story of Sex, Spies and Sabotage, by Cheryl and Lynn Hersha, with Dale Griffis, PhD and Ted Schwarz. New Horizon Press. 2001. .................................. Check Care - Nano Coatings Preserve and Protect ! Blog Store - √Check - Hydrosilex Coatings ................................. Educating American s By Truth News ! Please Share with friends coworkers and family ! So many people are in the dark ! ................................. David Wilkerson Prophicies http://americaslastday...

ConservativeDailypost - Are You Willing To Pay For 10 Million Immigrants - Welfare - EBT ?

From the article: In Denmark, “Mr. A” has no less than three wives and is living off of the welfare system since he holds refugee status! He has “20 kids [and he] gets DKK 214,000 in child benefits,” amounting to $360,000 a year (if it were U.S. currency) from the taxpayers! The outrage resulting from what this Syrian man has done is causing many to clamor for a change to the law. The system likely sees this as a win because, after all, who are those 22 going to vote for as adults? ................................. Educating American s By Truth News ! Please Share with friends coworkers and family ! So many people are in the dark ! ................................. David Wilkerson Prophicies Tribulation Events If your a Christian you need to move out of these areas NOW ! Gods warning Christians to flee before its to...

AFA - Americas Big Pile Of Confusion Headed For Chaos

From the article: " We are a nation adrift. A nation confused. A nation in danger of completely losing our moral bearings. A nation where right is now wrong and wrong is now right. A nation where evil is celebrated and virtue is denigrated.  " " Put another way, less light shining means more darkness. And the less brightly that light shines, the more the darkness prevails. " Ameri a may get rid of a globalist or two but like the sewer rats, theirs plenty more where those others came from.  With all their riches they expect to escape the pains that are coming. They've been talking sweetness and concern only to deceive the masses. NAFTA was all about moving factories over seas where labor was 15th of us labor costs.  Construction was almost half. The rest was pure profit gains, minus a cut to the tyrannical dictators to keep them happy.  In the meantime Americans lost jobs in the hundr...