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Showing posts from March 17, 2019
 1015 Your support  is very much appreciated.  Tip us a buck or 5 bucks, or 12 bucks for a whole year of IRT_ Dissenter | InRealTyme news feed | Travelers Services Directory !  We bring the most important news to your readers. Spreading the truth across America!  We support Independant news in every news clip we produce.  Your .com Addy is clearly displayed in our clip.  Your publication link is in our description.  We Direct your readers to your articles! Sharing and spreading Free Speech News, &  Articles to all our platforms we are on! BUBBLZ | MINDS | HUB | USA | SPREELY | TWITTER | TUMBLR |  BLOGGER | PINREST | MEWE | MEETME | TAGGED | HI5 | IRT_Dissenter | InRealTyme Link Board  Thank you for your generosity  in supporting our IRT Internet works and efforts on;  In Real Tyme | RemerThisOne |  IRT_Dissenter News Feed , MINDS.COM InRealTyme | YouTube InRealTyme | Hub InRealTyme , USA I USAge | Tumblr InRealTym...

C-Vine Madeleine Cane Documentary

1014.       Somebody knows exactly what happened to Madeleine McCann, the 3-year-old Briton who disappeared without a trace from her bed in a holiday resort on a family vacation with friends in Praia Da Luz, Portugal, on May 3, 2007. But it clearly isn’t the makers of the new Netflix series The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

YouTube - My Heart WAS CONVICTED !


YouTube - Party Tribalism Protected Clinton By DOJ

1012 Party Secular Pagan Humanism  - Tribalism Protected Hillary R Clinton From Prison ! DOJ FBI CIA Mass Media all independently and or Conspired together along with British and Russian Intelligence - Collusion! Pay to Play Clinton Money Laundering Clinton Gun Running Uranium One Nuclear Deal With Russia, DNC Frauding Bernie Sanders Loss, Illegal Email Server, Classified Emails Hacked by foreign enemies of the US. Destroying Evidence, Lying To Congress, Gun Running, Pedophile International Ring, Clinton Body Count - Seth Rich Murdered 1012

YouTube - Cathy O'Brein Sex Slave Raped By HRC At 14


Twitter Real Donald Trump "We Are Winning"


YouTube - Who Owns The Mass Media !?


YouTube - Chemtrails · Life Energy · Alien Beings

1008     Chemtrail Busting, Aliens, and the Disruption of Wilhelm Reich with Sharon Daphna  Bible Gateway Genesis 6 :: NIV. the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took many of them they chose. ... The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-- and also afterward --when the sons of God (messenger Angels) went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They (the children grew up) were the heroes of old, men of renown. (Rulers & Kings) The Aliens are here. And they are responsible for all evil mans inspired to do to each other. For 7000 years they have screwed mankind ! Aliens fallen angels Reptilians Greys and other species fell with Lucifer cursed and pushed out of heaven into the physical Universe.  Bible Book Genesis 6 
1007 In total, 25 Republicans voted to overturn Trump's declaration, with 12 GOP senators voting Thursday for a resolution to disapprove of his emergency declaration after 13 House Republicans voted for the measure late last month.

TAXES - You paid in less and the refund is smaller.

 1006.  Trumps tax reform - most people kept more money in their pockets every week.  That was like a raise. You filed your taxes and had a smaller refund. And that's good cause you did not over pay to the ITS to use your money all year long for 0 zer0 interest!   The Post also quoted a statistic from the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation which estimates that 572,000 taxpayers will file returns with an income category of more than $1 million, compared with more than 27 million in the $50,000 to $75,000 category and almost 70 million in the under-$50,000 category.  

AIM - Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp | Saudis | Fox News - WT Heck?

1005 The Arab News reported: “Arab countries can influence U.S. decision-making ‘if they unite through economic interests, not political,’ (Alwaleed) stressed. ‘We have to be logical and understand that the U.S. administration is subject to U.S. public opinion. We (Arabs) are not so active in this sphere (public opinion). And to bring the decision-maker on your side, you not only have to be active inside the U.S. Congress or the administration but also inside U.S. society.'”

YouTube - Laura Looker Banned | Twitter

1004   Following her ban from Twitter, Loomer handcuffed herself to the NYC Twitter HQ building in a protest which became the #1 trend on Twitter, even though Loomer was banned. Since being banned from Twitter, Loomer has also been banned from Venmo and Paypal, which decreased her income by 90%. Despite Big Tech's efforts to silence Loomer, she continues to raise awareness about social media bias.  

Exclusive ! Laura Loomer -

1003  EXCLUSIVE: Fox News Negotiated With A Terrorist Organization That Wants Judge Jeanine Pirro Fired !

IRT_Dessenter | InRealTyme news feeds

1002.   IRT_Dessenter | InRealTyme news feeds Donate Today! For your donation our Free Gift !        Your Donation Supports...  InRealTyme news feed!     and supports IRT_Dessenter news feed!

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The Independent - Mexican sewage canal search unearths nineteen bodies in plastic bags..

1000. The victims were killed by blows, strangulation or bullet wounds, and some bodies were more decomposed than others, suggesting they had been tossed into the canal at different times. Mr Solis said one woman was among 

99 TheAmericanMirror - Obamas Brother; "Is Michelle Really A Michael?"    In a 12-minute video, the Infowars host analyses footage and photos which he believes prove Ms Obama has a penis.   “Since the early days of the Obama administration, citizens across the board have studied videos and photos of Michelle Obama and said that she is a man,” the shock jock said.  “And even [Barack] Obama has called her over and over again Michael. But new shock footage has emerged that is being censored off the internet as fast as you can upload it.”