5046. Giants are so provable today and absolutely points to Genesis 6 fallen angels hybrid children. Nothing is by accident. The fallen ones want control of the lower heavens where our a liar system is. And God created man here to spread his message and Glory. https://youtu.be/yOoqmHvA0wk https://youtu.be/ileE0boghFk https://youtu.be/GXxWPmlx8nY ................................ Jesus wants you to know God Almighty Loves you. And wishes you would open your heart to his Holy Spirit and come out of the darkness. Jesus is the light and savior for mankind. Not to judge but to give forgiveness and love and strengthen you in his light And Gods graces and glory. ................................. We're Growing Everyday on In Real Tyme_Dissenter and thrilled to be apart of your day ! No Bias ! No Fake News ! Just The Story Line ! Fast Uncluttered No Corporate Ads Fastest News Reporting On The Planet ! ................................. | Brand New - IRT_Dissenter - 54...