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Showing posts from May 16, 2019

YouTube Help Wanted Hiring Patriot Border Patrol

From this article; .............................. .............................. ...... We don't regurgitate or rewrite the news, We Give You The News Source ! .............................. Jesus sees all !  ....... ............. ............ ........ ............. ........... .....   Buy Hydrosilex  Sampler Box only 25.00 ad.  √Check  -  Blog Store -  Buy -  Hydrosilex SiO2 Nano Ceramic Coatings ...............    HOME     ..... ......... In Real Tyme | IRT_Dissenter Minds InRealTyme  |  Spreely InRealTyme  | Hub.Life InRealTyme  | InRealTyme  |  MeWe InRealTyme  |  Tumblr InRealTyme  |   Twitter @In Real_Tyme Please Subscribe & Follow Thank You !  Donate .......................... Dan Bongino .......................... - InfoWars - Plays in Google Chrome & ...

YouTube - Nazi-Marxist-CIA Deep State Loses

From this article; Very telling - International MAFIA CIA MS6 Russian Oligarchs . Getting Christian Trump Out of The WH.  George Papadopoulos, the first Trump campaign member set up and his account of the last four years of his life in a new book called Deep State Target - A CIA Shadow Government Beltway think-tank and British CIA training college tried to create a "mark" of multiple high-level well-connected figures from America, Britain, Italy, Australia and elsewhere, to lend credence to a DNC HRC funded Opposition Research information dossier as future evidence The 45 President was colluding with Russia to turn the election to his favor and discredit HRC.  The reality is Marxist Communist Leftist UNAMERICAN players and leaders networked together and used their Law Enforcement and Secret Govt spy departments personnel to fabricate a false narrative to make sure HRC won the 2016 Election, which she lost. .............................. ........


From this article;  A  UN report showed vaccines that had a female hormone included in it on purpose and was given to African mothers so the body would reject the fetus self aborted. The auto immune system developed a protection mapping system to ward off that hormone. So the body was just reacting to its auto immune programming. Its all about Human depopulation. Invading America by illegal immigrants, need to be given vaccines to reduce their populations. Thus reducing their reproduction. Depopulation.  Censorship By Corporate  Social Media Platforms .............................. .............................. We don't regurgitate or rewrite the news, We Give You The News Source ! .............................. Jesus sees all !  ....... ............. ............ ........ ............. ........... .....   Buy Hydrosilex  Sampler Box only 25.00 ad.  √Check  -...


From this article;     Kavalec  quoted Steele as saying, “Payments to those recruited are made out of the Russian Consulate in Miami ,”  ( There is NO Russian Anything OR  Russian Consulate  in Florida-PERIOD! ) according to a copy of her summary memo obtained under open records litigation by the conservative group Citizens United. Kavalec bluntly debunked that assertion in a bracketed comment : “It is important to note that there is no Russian consulate in Miami.” The then-senior Department of Justice (DOJ) official briefed both senior FBI and DOJ officials in summer 2016 about Christopher Steele’s Russia dossier, explicitly cautioning that the British intelligence operative’s work was opposition research connected to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and might be biased. .............................. .................................