The doctor replied: “What makes you think I know a Xanax source?” Just below, he added a smiley face, and then described his home as the “Fun House.”
The doctor was one of the scores of medical professionals across seven states who were charged by federal prosecutors on Wednesday with schemes to illegally distribute millions of pain pills. Opioid prescriptions were exchanged for sex...
America has a moral decline epidemic. Drugs prostitution are symptoms of a much greater problem.
Medical professionals contracting sexual diseases from prostitute webcam model drug addicts.
Gods plan to make each person safe from such character degeneration is the Ten Commandments.
HUMAN NATURE as we are made of clay and earth animal like with a higher ability for intelligence. To be creative and very dangerous.
The first commandments keeps our MINDS & hearts focused on God and his divine authority and his love. Focusing daily keeps our thoughts under control. And our decisions and actions filtered.
The last of the commandments tells us how we should not treat one another. We are not to hate-murder another person but love them as yourself causing no will to harm them or yourself.
If all people would learn these and post them at home and in business and in buildings everywhere, it would help people to stay focused.
If all people would learn these and teach them at home and in schools it would dramatically reduce the disease and crimes.
Free will temptation evil demonic spirits dark forces are everywhere inspiring people to follow their feelings and lusts.
Feelings and lusts are normal driving forces for humans in procreation. Outside of marriage bonds and commitment - rape adultery incest pedophilia theft homosexuality drug addiction alcoholism pregnancy out of wedlock abortions stds murder become rampant.
For the majority of people Feelings of lusts are short lived moments. But feed them and things become difficult and hurtful to themselves and others. Spouses and children are in the crossfire of the flamed fornication lusts.
Being a modern high tech society doesn't mean we are or will even make us a civil society. Man keeps building laws and walls and people always want to find ways around them.
A good sign that those people follow their will and desires and lusts and not the authority and wisdom and laws of God given to man. Given to man for their own protections.
Ancient history shows us a window into a world of power greed and Unbridled lusts. When your govt acts like pagans heathens and godless, society follows their lead. And becomes as wretched as they are.
Caligula who lived is a great example of power gone mad.
Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; 31 August 12 – 24 January 41 AD) was Roman emperor from AD 37 to AD 41. The son of the popular Roman general Germanicus and Augustus's granddaughter Agrippina the Elder, Caligula was born into the first ruling family of the Roman Empire, conventionally known as the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Germanicus' uncle and adoptive father, Tiberius, succeeded Augustus as emperor of Rome in AD 14. Wiki Caligulia Note: right after Christ was crucified and died all hell broke lose in Rome.
Sad to say but Americas power centers are the new Romes multiplied.
And it to is gotten worse as it has spread into corporate Americas leadership as well since WWI - Power lust greed Unbridled. The Constitution was written and adopted for that very reason. England's King and power center was rampant with unjust laws and governing over man and citizenry. Many people escaped for just those reasons alone.
People who are wicked filled becoming powerful leaders networked together and you see a BEAST greater than any one kingdom or Government or Monarchy arise. Today that BEAST is called the United Nations. A network of criminal deviant treacherous dictators and tyrant world member leadership.
The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization that was tasked to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international co-operation and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. The headquarters of the UN is in Manhattan, New York City, and is subject to extraterritoriality. Further main offices are situated in Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna and The Hague. The organization is financed by assessed and voluntary contributions from its member states. Its objectives include maintaining international peace and security, protecting human rights, delivering humanitarian aid, promoting sustainable development and upholding international law.
Sounds really great that a grouping of wicked non Christ like godless men are to run the world. The bureaucracy is astronomical.
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