5010. JUSA TODAY’s investigation found: •Models are drafted with deceptive titles and descriptions to disguise their true intent. The Asbestos Transparency Act didn’t help people exposed to asbestos. It was written by corporations who wanted to make it harder for victims to recoup money. The “HOPE Act,” introduced in nine states, was written by a conservative advocacy group to make it more difficult for people to get food stamps. https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2019/04/03/abortion-gun-laws-stand-your-ground-model-bills-conservatives-liberal-corporate-influence-lobbyists/3162173002 No Bias ! No Fake News ! Just The Story Line ! Fast Uncluttered No Corporate Ads News Reporting On The Planet ! We're Growing Everyday on In Real Tyme_Dissenter ................................. | IRT In RealTyme - 21,213 page views | IRT_Dissenter - 5448 page views | Remember This O...