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Showing posts from April 29, 2019

YouTube Remember The Deep State Called For A Coup Against Trump

From this article: President Trump is clear that the evidence shows HRC and Democratic President Obama and other democrat operatives in the Federal bureaucracy aka DOJ, CIA, FBI, conspired with Russian and British Marxist to unseat the elected 45th President illegally. So many people won't or don't believe HRC conspired with the Obama WH but her emails found on Anthony Weiners laptop are clearly showing otherwise. Even Jerome Corsis book explains how the deep state conspired together to do all it could using a fake dossier based on a 2-3 year old movie script allegedly by  Glenn Simpson.  Imagine these people are all criminal actors following a movie script?! OMG they are completely dillusional ! " The left is hungry for blood. Let’s make sure it’s their own “There will be arrests and indictments without question…This was a coup. It was a conspiracy. It was criminal activity. These peo...

YouTube Apps That ScreenShot Your Activities While Your Anywhere On The Net

From this article: Imagine your Using your credit card or doing employee sign on paperwork and your apps are taking pics and sending the data back . Literally stealing your information. Why is this legal companies install bloggers and screen capture apps? .............................. We don't regurgitate  or rewrite the news, We Give You The News Source ! ............................... Jesus sees all !  ....... ............. ............ ...... Give this really great Gift to your Mom or Dad - 24/7  help  with MCA  Since 1926 .  Breakdown Towing Bond Hospital Pay and more  .... ad · ........ ............. ............ .....   Buy Hydrosilex  Sampler Box only 25.00  √Check  -  Blog Store -  Buy -  Hydrosilex SiO2 Nano Ceramic Coatings ................................. Educating Americans By Truth News ! Please Share with friends coworkers and family ! So many ...

YouTube The End Is Here The Lord Is Separating The Wolves From His Flock

From this article: Pastor describes his Vision he had of the RAPTURE. And years later his grandfather told him he had a rapture dream. And his son told him he had a rapture dream. Jesu suffered greatly for his flock.  He gave his life. The time is coming that you to will come face to face in giving sacrifing, even your life. What good is it to have all the riches stored up only to lose your soul.  We Are In The Days Of Sorrows. Like Birth Pains It Gets Stronger And More Painful The Fallen Rebellious Deserter Angels Mark Taylor .............................. We don't regurgitate  or rewrite the news, We Give You The News Source ! ............................... Jesus sees all !  ....... ............. ............ ...... Give this really great Gift to your Mom or Dad - 24/7  help  with MCA  Since 1926 .  Breakdown Towing Bond Hospital Pay and more  .... ad · ........ ............. ...............