From this article: President Trump is clear that the evidence shows HRC and Democratic President Obama and other democrat operatives in the Federal bureaucracy aka DOJ, CIA, FBI, conspired with Russian and British Marxist to unseat the elected 45th President illegally. So many people won't or don't believe HRC conspired with the Obama WH but her emails found on Anthony Weiners laptop are clearly showing otherwise. Even Jerome Corsis book explains how the deep state conspired together to do all it could using a fake dossier based on a 2-3 year old movie script allegedly by Glenn Simpson. Imagine these people are all criminal actors following a movie script?! OMG they are completely dillusional ! " The left is hungry for blood. Let’s make sure it’s their own “There will be arrests and indictments without question…This was a coup. It was a conspiracy. It was criminal activity. These peo...