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Showing posts from April 17, 2019

YouTube OANN - Dozens of medical workers charged in federal opioid sting across 11 states

The doctor replied: “What makes you think I know a Xanax source?” Just below, he added a smiley face, and then described his home as the “Fun House.” The doctor was one of the scores of medical professionals across seven states who were charged by federal prosecutors on Wednesday with schemes to illegally distribute millions of pain pills. Opioid prescriptions were exchanged for sex... America has a moral decline epidemic. Drugs prostitution are symptoms of a much greater problem.  Medical professionals contracting sexual diseases from prostitute webcam model drug addicts.  Gods plan to make each person safe from such  character degeneration is the Ten Commandments. HUMAN NATURE as we are made of clay and earth animal like with a higher ability for intelligence. To be creative and very dangerous.  The first commandments keeps our MINDS & hearts focused on God and ...

Smoking Gun - Sex At Gunpoint. Are You Kidding Me !

According to investigators, the victim was picked up last Monday outside a Home Depot by Brenda Acuna-Aguero, 39, who said that she needed help moving items at her home.

The Guardian - Peru Former President Commits Suicide !

Peru’s former president Alan García has died after deliberately shooting himself in the head when police tried to arrest him in connection with a multibillion-dollar Latin American corruption scandal.

Youtube - Mark Dice - Happy Easter Global Warmng Sheep !

Forbes - Self Driving BigRigs OMG!

Autonomous cars are at least five years away. Eighteen-wheelers are coming first, and a 34-year-old Caltech Ph.D.’s unicorn is king of the road   . Killer DRIVERLESS big rigs are on their way!

YouTube Barr Imigration Order - Lock Them Up !

YouTube Veritas Smokes The Federal Courts