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Showing posts from April 20, 2019

YouTube - Lying is Not Journalism

From the article: This journalist's lies are so amazing it is proof that she had absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE- whatsoever- about what she wrote. Will you be surprised by the source? This is the new standard for the average millennial journalist? Info W ars We're Growing Everyday on  In Real Tyme_Dissenter and thrilled to be apart of your day !  .................................. Check Care - Nano Coatings Preserve and Protect ! Blog Store - √Check - Hydrosilex Coatings ................................. Educating American s By Truth News ! Please Share with friends coworkers and family ! So many people are in the dark ! ................................. David Wilkerson Prophicies Tribulation Events If your a Christian you need ...

YouTube - We are in the End of The Age !

From the article: Signs in the heavens last year ;        Astronomy -The women (Israel) had twelve stars above her head (tribes) was to give birth (birth pains on earth days of sorrows) of a man child (Jesus), as the dragon waited to snatch him up(Satan) . But she was given wings of protection (American Eagle) over her... We are in the End of The Age  ! 1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads  -and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns,(NWO Regions)- and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.  2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard,(Iran) and his feet were as  the feet  of a bear(Russia) and his mouth as the mouth of a lion(EU): and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.  3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast...

YouTube Pot Luck Hybrid Alien Stuff

From the article: From the article: ................................. Info W ars We're Growing Everyday on  In Real Tyme_Dissenter and thrilled to be apart of your day !  .................................. Check Care - Nano Coatings Preserve and Protect ! Blog Store - √Check - Hydrosilex Coatings ................................. Educating American s By Truth News ! Please Share with friends coworkers and family ! So many people are in the dark ! ................................. Educating Americans By Truth News ! Please Share with friends coworkers and family ! So many people are in the dark !  ........................... Do you have any used college textbooks you no longer need?  YouTube  You can sell them back for cash ! ad ·  COLLEGE EDUCATION BOOKS -  RENT | BUY | TRADE-IN ............................

YouTube Super Natural Giants Found

From the article: On this episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, L.A. Marzulli shows evidence of the Nephilim. Who were the Nephilim? L.A. Marzulli has long searched for physical evidence of the Nephilim, the giants of the Bible. A significant cover-up over the years moved these hybrid humans to the dustbins of history. Info Wars We're Growing Everyday on  In Real Tyme_Dissenter and thrilled to be apart of your day !  .................................. Check Care - Nano Coatings Preserve and Protect ! Blog Store - √Check - Hydrosilex Coatings ................................. Educating American s By Truth News ! Please Share with friends coworkers and family ! So many people are in the dark ! ................................. David Wilkerson Prophic...