This is a young women who has been abducted many times. She is totally convinced the Aliens are the creators of humanity - starseeds. The mind control propaganda along with her trauma and rapes she has experienced is so very similar to the physiological trauma Patty Hurst came away with, by her abductors, as being the true and righteous ones.
Her story will give you insight into the GREAT DECEPTION coming upon mankind by the fallen rebellious Angels spoke of in the bible Book Genesis and Revelations.
Fallen angels and Aliens and their hybrid counterparts are real. The reptillians are the leaders over most Alien races. They walk on two legs and are very much like dragons or lizard like. In the story of Adam & Eve the serpent the great dragon used to walk on two legs. But God cursed it to be on its belly for all eternity.
the Aliens clearly live throughout our solar system and here on earth. Caution is to be used here as she is completely brainwashed. During her experiences of abduction her survival of being in the unknown was giving herself over to the lies and experiences. So she comes away believing deeply her captors were friendly.
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