From this article;
The CULT of the Alien Spirituality by New Age Religion. Mankind has been fooled generation upon generation for thousands of years by alien fallen Rebelious messenger angel deities and demons. Genesis 6 of the bible explains how they came from heaven into the physical realm and manifested in a humanoid form to mate with human females to create a hybrid race. NOAHS flood destroyed those creatures. But their spirit lives on as demons. And many of the fallen ones live not in heaven but on and in the earth, as well as in outer space and on many planets.
One more layer of deceit !
The alien breeding with humans has continued for thousands of years. Today's modern labeling of those hybrid humans are called Star children. To really know who they are the government would have to have DNA samples of every human being.
Frankly anyone running for political office should be made to give a DNA sample and be it tested. I don't want alien blood lines involved in politics let alone CEO of corporations who produce compromised products for human consumption.
There's only one all power powerful merciful loving creator God Almighty.
His son our brother is Jesus Christ.
Christ has all the authority and power of God the father.
There's many ( 4-7 by some accounts) heaven realms. Earth is in the lower realm with hell Hades in the lowest realm.
Gods throne and kingdom is the highest of all heavens.
There's only one way to live there. By Jesus Christ as the bridge of love and life for defiled spirits of man.
God created in 6 days he created every thing. The Alien Demonic New Age lie is the alien diversity of things perverted, by them they say they created.
But God, Yahweh, created Adam, the first man, from dust of the ground and places him in the Garden of Eden a place filled with plant life fruits and vegetables and filled with animals that could speak with Adam. Here he is given dominion over the animals and the land and names everything with God. Eve, the first woman, is created from Adam and as his companion helper and mate to populate the earth.
Here's the alien lie!
Life organisms have been around in various shapes and sizes since the beginning of time all created by God. Many have been perverted to create hybrid genetically altered species. This includes humankind. And humans have been and are affected by spiritual downloads or by demonic possession and so called occult hidden knowledge of the ancients.
Thus the SPIRITUAL WAR continues.
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Jesus sees all !


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