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Showing posts from March 23, 2019

YouTube SGT Report - AE911 Suing The FBI For 911 False Flag Cover Up !

1099. Suing the US Govt does nothing as it only costs the Taxpayers more Tax Dollars. The good thing is it gets precious documents into the light of exposure.  But will it get the criminals put into jail?  The DOJ FBI CIA DHS CFR are all treasonist ran corporations ran by a cabal of traitors to America. Witch hunt? It will be proven people in high places will go to prison and some hung by the neck! 

Natural News - Crypto Is Worthless With zero Electricity ! Think About That !

1098. 1096.   When gold and silver stops glistening in the light just take it to any coin pawn shop and trade it for batteries! Because you can't buy anything with crypto currency when the electricity God out ! 

YouTube - Truth Be Told - Allah Is Satan The Destroyer

1097. Every Muslim in the world seeking truth should listen to this Doctors testimony ! 

YouTube AG - No One Corporation Is Bigger Than We The People

1096.  InfoWars  -

YouTube Treason By Comey A Birds Of A Feather Flocks Together

1095.          Will Comey Brenan Clinton Obama Cry like babies with a noose around each of their necks at Gitmo ! ? These are political War Power Leaders.  America is under Declaration Of War! America is under an Emergency Declaration Order by the 45th President of the United States !  What they have done is treasonist Acts against the American People and their legally elected 45th President of these United States of America. Untouchable? I hardly think so.  Buying time is all they can do with their illgotten gains over the years.

Link.Springer - Aluminum In Any Form Is Toxic To Life Forms !

1093.    Aluminum Toxicity In Life Forms Aspirin. Ghlysophate. Flouride. FORMALDIHYDE. Plasticiers.  You need to research the DANGERS of these chemicals ! Understand none of these are found in nature. They are all created by mankind from other natural occurring substances. Natural does not mean safe to use or ingest. A snake in nature has venom toxic to life forms. Volcanos spew toxic gases and ashes. Malcolm powder has been found to cause cancer. You have to wake up and take the time to research this information. You have the ability to do that right at your finger tips and keyboard. And please have the will to protect yourself your family and your animals. 

YouTube Lisa Heavens - Big Big Trouble Brewing In America

1092.   Without the moral backbone in humanity, in individuals, the will simple is not there to correct Americas slippery slope into hell. What I mean is the traditional America will no longer be. And into a dictatorship America will surrender to. A dictatorship that is not athesistc or agnostic but of a Luciferians illuminati satanistic rule.  Generation. X and Zcis being programmed by the music and movie industry to ' Love All Things Satan. '

YouTube OAN - Muslims Freak Out


YouTube Breaking News - Criminal Fraud Perpetrated On FISA Court

1090.  Its been stated by top US Attorney publicly that Top Ranking Federal Law Enforcement had frauded the FISA court with documents contaning falsehoods to acquire a spy warrant on Trumps Campaign illegally..