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Is Love Americas Cure To Its Ills

People are flawed. There's no question no ones perfect. Be it the highly educated lawyer or professor or business owner, the high school drop out, the stay at home mom with kids, the person just starting in the work force. People aren't perfect. 

So people with all their insecurities, hopes, aspirations and dreams, people embrace those things that society tells us we must achieve and thus reinforces the notion 'we are special, bright and worthy'. After all I can then accept myself and my flaws more easily as I struggle thru life. We pretend that a fancy degree, or big fast car, huge homes and lots of kids, makes one think one is whole and  complete and successful. 

To control those around us, add some finger pointing,  hate speech, a power filled position, and the authority to manipulate & control others to a degree using our position, gossip, it makes one feel that they are deserving,  stable and righteous in how they feel about themselves and how they treat others. 

The American Psychological Association (APA) has issued guidelines for mental health professionals working with men & women. Its guidance documents carry the imprimatur of scientific authority and are hugely influential when it comes to policies and behaviour in public institutions. 

This edict will be referred to by university administrators, judges, law enforcement. All when policing sexual interactions on campus, by the courts when deciding who to award custody to in divorce hearings, and by HR departments when assessing complaints about male & female employees. 

" It’s not an exaggeration to say this new guidance of the 20th Century will affect the lives of millions of men and women. Traditional male qualities like courage, self-reliance, competitiveness, stoicism, personal ambition and a love of adventure are ‘psychologically harmful’. 

On the face of it, men and boys might appear to benefit from ‘patriarchy’ — after all, 95.2 per cent of the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are men — but in reality the emotional repression needed to maintain this ‘privilege’ exacts a terrible toll for both men & women. 

'It is the ethical duty of psychologists, as well as parents, teachers, coaches, religious and community leaders, to root out these masculine pathologies and help men become… well, less manly and more infeminit'. "

This is the NEW CIA MIND CONTROL PROPAGANDA first developed, supported and used by the German Nazi Scientists during WWII to achieve their goals of one race one gender superiority.

     We've all heard about it. It's a fairly recent label that is spoken of at the water coolers, in small private lunches, and in the halls of medicine. A label that is supposed to conjure up thoughts of unhealthy male mental states, racism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, ageism, ableism, etc., etc.

What does appear to be genuinely psychologically harmful is this unending war on masculinity. The effect of telling men just die and screw off. 

And  persuading women they’re better off without males, has been created to create a huge communication gap. 
And unleash an epidemic upon the family breakdown.

Wartime diaries reveal the manner in which women played positive active roles in promoting civilian morale, social cohesion and industrial productivity in the face of imminent death and destruction. Ultimately it was the women with their expression of kind words, nurturing of the wounded and sick fighters, and the connection she made with the patients that ultimately helped improve and promoted the healings, and revitalization of the sick and wounded. Which is very much lacking in our western world today. 

In fact the emotional and psychological instability of women has grown significantly today with significant manifestations and representation of neuroses and other forms of mental illness. All largely ignored by the scientific community and in shaping scientific theories of stress, clinical debates about patterns of stress-related diseases and the manifestations and experiences of stress on women. 

Thus it tended to marginalize women's experiences of stress, how they act towards males, and how they deal and cope with stress.

When anyone develops mental health deficiencies be it do to work pressures, medical prescriptions, self medication by drugs such as alcohol or illicit drugs, intervention is needed before a person makes decision that causes them severe harm, that are not reversible, like suicide. 

Most people that have the signs of mental stress, emotional fatigue, temper tantrums, episodes of chronic yelling, finger pointing and resort to maligning others as a tool of MANIPULATION of others to control the narrative and deflect & cover up the very serious deficiency they are experiencing of mental and emotional instability are fighting their mental & emotional health issues alone.

Seeking medical care is only the third step in getting the help needed for a person losing control, and who's lives are deeply impacted by their mental and or emotional deficency.

Intervention by loved ones and coworkers is key and crucial to walking the person in a loving and kind way to
 first - helping that person in recognizing there is a health problem.
And second - helping support them thru the steps to seek good medical professional care. 
And forth, supporting them thru their treatment process to recovery.

Once one surrenders to their emotions that dictate to them in irrational thinking & good decision making capabilities, along with violent outbursts, lack of verbal control in talking respectfully to others, it will lead to the inevitable termination of working careers, family relationships, and possibly suicide. 

Love requires us as human beings to be not only compassionate and forgiving. But it requires us to act 'intervention'  when others can not act for themselves. 

Although the term “nervous breakdown” once referred to a variety of mental illnesses— like anxiety disorder, depression, and acute stress disorder—medical professionals no longer use it. The average person may still refer to their symptoms by this name, so it’s important to discuss the most common signs. Be sure to speak to your doctor if you’re experiencing any of the following.

'Love Thy neighbor as they self. ' 
Would you want someone close to you to help you to seek out and get medical care if they exhibited these signs ?
  • Anxiety

  • Depression 

  • Extreme Mood Swings

  • Panic Attacks

  • Paranoia

  • Odd Happenings

  • Trouble Concentrating

  • Appetite Changes

  • Unusual Sleep Patterns

  • Indifference and Isolation

  • Behavior Changes

  • Fatigue

  • Addictions
  • Anxiety
  •  Depression 
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Anger management 
  • Substance abuse
  • Isolation, or being “a loner”
  • Antisocial behavior
  • Delusions
  • Confused thinking
  • Mood swings
  • Hallucinations
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Excessive anxiety
  • Unexplained physical ailments
  • Changes in sleep patterns – staying up all night or sleeping all day
  • Changes in appetite or diet
  • Impulsive behavior – particularly in terms of travel, spending money, or sexual relationships


It was during the Second World War, however, that 'flying stress' emerged once more as a military priority amidst concerns that cases of 'combat stress' were adversely affecting the discipline, competence and morale of the armed forces. 

Attempts to limit the impact of fear and fatigue varied. While men and women in the air force used alcohol, cigarettes and sex to subdue their anxieties, as well as drugs such as Benzedrine to enhance mood and performance and to maintain energy for both flying and recreational activities, official treatment protocols initially involved encouragement, reassurance and sedation.

 The spectre of execution for cowardice and desertion had receded, but the penalties for being unable to conquer fear and resume active service remained stringent.

 Introduced in response to the high numbers of psychiatric casualties amongst aircrews during the early months of the war and employed as a critical alternative to the more benign concept of 'flying stress', a diagnosis of ‘lack of moral fibre’ led to loss of rank, discharge and the forfeiture of an entitlement to a pension.

In our secular society lack of moral fibre and good character is seen as a religious thing. And not to be used as a criteria in the hirering decisions in corporate America today. But mental health and stability is. 

If we look at the pre-employment questionaires, one can see direct proof of this. In reality a person must be of Good character, higher than average moral values, and good mental & emotional health to not only qualify for the job but to be able to perform 'at minimum' satisfactory levels to keep their job position for most companies. 

If we look at a Companies HANDBOOK its literally the bibles last 5 commandments of the TEN COMMANDMENTS displayed in over 35+ pages.

Love is the greatest commandment of all commandments and encompasses them all. With out LOVE humans simply can not survive this life and will easily degrade mentally, emotionally and just loose it. 

  • Don’t ignore the warning signs — Mental illness does not usually go away on its own. Addiction, depression or eating disorders are not a phase your going thru and will just correct itsself. Pay attention to the warning signs and ask questions. Talk with your Doctor about your recent changes in behavior. 

  • Take a break — Mental illness can be all-consuming. Suddenly you notice that every conversation you have, even most of the thoughts you have, are all out consuming your interactions negatively with others. So Go for a walk, participate in recreational activities and games or just have lunch with a friend. Schedule breaks for yourself.

  • Seek out expertise and Get counseling — If your struggling with mood swings, anger management issues, temper tantrums, mental illness, you need counseling yourself. Get a counselor who is familiar with the particular situation you are dealing with, and schedule your own appointment.

  • Kicking the Kat? That's a clear sign of a mentaly disturbed person. All your packed up aggressions are brought to work and unloaded on your co-worker(s). When you can't WIN an argument rationally, a person takes it out on an in-suspecting punching bag you've zeroed in on. CAUSING hurt feelings or worse - people quit - because they can't and won't put up with the abuse you dish out almost daily ! 

Another factor to consider is a persons chemical imbalances can creep up and cause many physical as well as mental and emotional health issues. A full lab screening can often reveal some very important information about you. And even better reveal it to your doctor for them to develop a great health regiment for one to embrace, completely turning ones life around

What are the symptoms of the menopause?

For most women, the duration and severity of these symptoms vary from woman to woman. With an estimated 6,000 US women reaching menopause every day, some women will experience additional symptoms for some time before and after their period's end. The most common symptoms can include:

° Hot flashes
• Vaginal dryness
• Mood changes 
° your relationships -
 source of anger, conflict, 
° you suffer frequent major 
  emotional trauma events
• Reduced libido
• Night sweats
• Difficulty sleeping

Love Thu Neighbor is the best way to 'get out of yourself and out of your head.' The mental prison. Giving a gift, taking an interest & listening to others positive messages, using social media to post messages of hope and inspirations. Then compile them in your own blog, to develop your own DAILY WALK plan to be aliving example to others. 

"Lord give me the strength to change what I can, to accept what I can not, give me the wisdom to know the difference."

Get off the MOVIE TV RADIO fairiswheel of negativity and back biting. It only re-enforces what you are doing yourself. CIA MIND CONTROL PROGRAMING really exists. Humans are raised from birth. Everything YOU KNOW came from someone else ! And those MESSAGES FROM MOVIES MUSIC and News are destroying the fabric of society. Reprogram your mind and renew your heart with quality information. And practice kindness and a bridaled tongue. Gossip is the worst. 

Love helps us to discover, to walk thru negative events, to forgive and reduce burdensome guilt, to build on the old and new relationships, to take responsibility for our own words, deeds and actions. To help us see thru the fog and put us on a clear path of healing.

Love Thy Neighbor as Yourself... all of them. All races genders and ages.

And get help.


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