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Showing posts from April 18, 2019

YouTube Jerome Corsi Explains that There was no Crime in the Mueller Report

Trump Did Not Violate Any Law! Vanity Final Overview ! Hanity Final Overview !

YouTube Mueller Report Absolutely No Evidence Found Trump Wins Again !

And God said ' they all shout impeach impeach, but Nah ! '

NT - Chemtrails Causing Diseases To Skyrocket !

Perhaps the most damning evidence supporting the geoengineering theory, however, is the massive increase in neurodegenerative diseases in recent years. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the number of people dying from Alzheimer’s has increased by a staggering 145 percent since 2000. This is significant, because scientists have been warning for some time that the use of aluminum for geoengineering purposes would cause a spike.

NT - Roadway Deaths Accidents On The Rise

      It is getting far more dangerous on the roads particularly for those outside the vehicles.  Over the past two years, after decades of declining deaths on the road, U.S. traffic fatalities surged by 14.4 percent…There are however three big clues, and they don’t rest along the highway. One, as you may have guessed, is the substantial increase in smartphone use by U.S. drivers as they drive.