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Ms. Mack became so involved, federal prosecutors said, that she began recruiting other women into a secret sect within Nxivm Secret Sex Cult in which women were branded with Mr. Raniere’s initials and were forced to have sex with him. “I was lost,” Ms. Mack said on Monday, while pleading guilty . ( lost in sin ).

God says he created Wo_men from Adams rib so he would have a help mate. A females design is to bare children and her personality to nurture them. And raise them up to know God, his order and will, and respect him and his authority.
Gods order of authority:
God Almighty "I AM That I AM" the Alpha to the Omega.
Jesus Christ The physical manifestation of God Almighty himself the living breathing WORDS of GOD. For Christ created all things nonexistent and existent by the Word of God given to him.
Adam the male man leader of his family and tribe. A king with Christs authority.
Eve the woman who's womb carries created life in till birth. Mate of her husband..Mother to her children. Teacher and inspiration to her husband and children, of all things good.
Offspring male and female.
Neighbors relatives tribes
Community tribes city
Nation State country
No where is there any man who replaces Christ and his authority. No Pope or Preacher or Minister or Cop or General or Politician.
Educating Americans By Truth News ! Please Share with friends coworkers and family ! So many people are in the dark !
Jesus wants you to know God Almighty Loves you. And wishes you would open your heart to his Holy Spirit and come out of the darkness. Jesus is the light and savior for mankind. Not to judge but to give forgiveness and love and strengthen you in his light And Gods graces and glory.
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Christs ways: Don't kill. Don't lie. Don't steal. Just three of 10 Christ Standards to know -who is who- and what they stand up for and believe in and act like.
There's nothing Christ like in homosexual trans anything. One MALE and ONE FEMALE God created them !
God created border walls to keep good people safe from harm - from Disease violence perversions. Heaven has Golden shimmery pearly gates over 30 ft tall ! God gets it !
There's nothing Christ like about the Muslim or Catholic or Globalist Elite or the UN rhetoric and deeds - murder adultery homosexuality pedophilia beheadings slavery violence .
Jesus painting by an 8yr old !
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