Explotation of others be it slavery or slave wages, Govts and business owners have exploited, and continue to exploit workers and employees. Why?.
Greed mostly. But ego has a lot to do with it as well. And a lack of moral fiber within them.
Taxation is a form of slavery as well. Since childhood we have grown into believing the lie - paying your fair share - to the government is patriotic. When in reality it is theft ! There is No Law that says a citizen has to pay federal income taxes on income. Only federal taxes on commerce profits.
The Big Lie is guys like this will come after you. In fact that's not true. They hire contract thugs to scare ya. Fear the devils second greatest tool. The first is the Lie !
Marxism capitalism socialism all a bunch of brainwashing ideologies. How ever you create wealth it is yours to keep. You owe no one.
If you use CASH your a terrorist !
Odd since the Federal Reserve takes in and prints cash if you use it your labeled a terrorist. The truth is the NSA tracks every digital electronic transaction ! They don't want you using cash!
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