5004. Jimmy Dimons throwing his weight around so CEO wall Street puppets hear him loud and clear - NWO and screw AOC - Soros backed Marxist childish dreams ! “JP Morgan agreed to pay out *$13 billion* over its massive role in mortgage schemes w the ‘08 recession,” she said in a tweet, referring to Dimon’s then-record settlement with the Department of Justice for the bank’s alleged role in underwriting fraudulent securities in the lead-up to the 2008 financial crisis. " https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/ocasio-cortez-hits-back-at-jamie-dimon-after-green-new-deal-criticism ................ https://medium.com/@blairerickson/how-is-a-corrupt-criminal-like-jamie-dimon-not-in-prison-for-fraud-f3a1e7eb4cf6 Since 2010, the year Bitcoin first began to circulate, under the leadership of Jamie Dimon JP Morgan Chase has been charged with 48 different violations of banking and securities fraud. $28,675,456,874.00 is the total they’ve paid out just in t...