Twitter and YouTube are under fire for having far-right content on their sites Radio Aryan, thought to be based in Wales, defended Brenton Tarrant's beliefs After the shooting, the station's host said the attacks were 'the price of diversity' The show's host had social media accounts which linked to Radio Aryan
From this Article: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein criticized the Obama administration’s handling of Russia’s alledged interference in the 2016 election and took a shot at fired FBI Director James Comey in a closed-door speech Thursday evening. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/04/26/rod-rosenstein-rips-obama-administration-for-hiding-full-story-of-russia-meddling/ ................................. We don't regurgitate or rewrite the news, We Give You The News Source ! ............................... Jesus sees all ! .................................. Buy Hydrosilex √Check - Blog Store - Buy - Hydrosilex SiO2 Nano Ceramic Coatings ................................. Educating Americans By Truth News ! Please Share with friends coworkers and family ! So many people are in the dark ! ........................... YouTube https://youtu.be/lfJCPZHlmKY ad · Buy Sell Here - COLLEGE EDUCATION BOOKS - ...
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