From this article:
The US Coporate Babylon Empire Explained
A handful of people elite hold the worlds wealth in the trilians. 80% of the worlds population lives on an average of $10 bucks per day. Capitalists want a return on their capital. Banked they earn interest income and that would bankrupt most banks. The Capitalist Economic Financial System.
That's why billions of people starve to death and or are murdered. Mankind is not allowed wealth. America hasn't had real OPEN FREE MARKETS since the 1800s.
Because the bankers want your money for FREE to invest and earn off of ! And we all just put up with staying poor struggling starving and doing evil to get around their evil system.
It is fixable but only if 67% of the population agrees to change the system. Countries break off and secede all the time from the Marxist Luciferians capitalist tyranny.
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