MCA What is the Motor Club of America? Motor Club of America was established in 1926. They have grown over the years in fixing flats, to, you now have full emergency roadside assistance in the US and Canada. Assistance with flats, to bringing you gas, minor repairs or getting your vehicle to a qualified repair shop. And service plans include everything from helping post bonds, legal assistance, emergency room cash back from ALL accidents. Hotel lodging and food discounts, trip planning .

Read more on auto breakdown assistance ...
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Jesus wants you to know God Almighty Loves you. And wishes you would open your heart to his Holy Spirit and come out of the darkness. Jesus is the light and savior for mankind. Not to judge but to give forgiveness and love and strengthen you in his light And Gods graces and glory.
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Christs ways: Don't kill. Don't lie. Don't steal. Just three of 10 Christ Standards to know -who is who- and what they stand up for and believe in and act like.
There's nothing Christ like in homosexual trans anything. One MALE and ONE FEMALE God created them !
God created border walls to keep good people safe from harm - from Disease violence perversions. Heaven has Golden shimmery pearly gates over 30 ft tall ! God gets it !
There's nothing Christ like about the Muslim or Catholic or Globalist Elite or the UN rhetoric and deeds - murder adultery homosexuality pedophilia beheadings slavery violence .
Jesus painting by an 8yr old !
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